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Giraffe puns in 2024

Did you hear about the man who made giraffe and lion jam?
– He called it Wildlife Preserve.

What do you call an animal that can transform into a boat?
– A Gi-raft.

The giraffes who drew murals of other giraffes on the walls were praised for their giraffiti.

Why don’t giraffes like fast food?
– Because they can’t catch it!

When the baby giraffe was acting boastful during his birthday,
– his mother told him to get off the high horse.

I bet giraffes don’t even know what farts smell like.

The worst thing about being a giraffe is needing 100 Heimlich maneuvers when you are choking.

The giraffes were having breakfast with the pigs, and they had bacon and legs.

The teacher asked Billy to name 10 animals you could see in Africa.
– He replied: ”nine giraffes and an elephant”.

The queen giraffe was called “your highness” by her subjects in court.

What do you get when you cross a Labrador with a giraffe?
– A dog who barks at aeroplanes!

What did Dracula say when he met the giraffe.
– I’d like to get to gnaw you.

Up to my neck in it!

On the trip to the mountains, the giraffes had planned for an adventurous activity and chose to go gi-rafting.

Why did the giraffe sign up for monk training?
– He felt a higher calling.

What do you call a giraffe winning a horse race?
– A longshot.

Did you hear about the guy who made giraffe and elephant jam?
– He called it Wildlife Preserve.

I’ve just bought a giraffe online. I doubt it will be delivered, I think it might be a tall order.

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