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Giraffe puns in 2025

The lawyer giraffe was popular because he was the long arm of the law.

What sort of art do giraffes paint?
– Giraffiti.

What do you call a giraffe that is winning a horse race?
– A longshot.

After graduation, the young giraffes get their heads in the cloud and do not work hard enough to build a career.

Did you hear about the Giraffe and Ostrich race?
– It was neck and neck.

Baby giraffe was crying as he was not invited to the birthday party for being a pain in the neck.

Why do giraffes sing in the rain?
– Because they don’t fit in the shower.

The worst thing about being a giraffe is that your coffee gets cold by the time it reaches your belly.

The giraffe, on its first date,
– said to his girlfriend that he wants to gnaw her more.

I was going to tell you a giraffe joke. But it’s too long.

When the baby giraffe swallowed a mini toy jet, it was called a plane in the neck.

Why do giraffes have long necks?
– Because their feet smell.

What do you call a load of giraffes in cars?
– A giraffic jam.

Are you having a giraffe (laugh)?

In math class, the giraffe was great at drawing the gi-raphs.

What’s green and hangs from trees?
– Giraffe snot.

Why was the giraffe late?
– Because he got caught in a giraffic jam!

Why is it cheap to feed a giraffe?
– A little goes a long way

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