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Giraffe puns in 2024

Others did not laugh at the giraffe’s jokes as they went over their heads.

Why didn’t the theatre audience laugh at the giraffe’ s jokes?
– Because they went over their heads.

The favorite make of beer that giraffes have is called high-necking.

What do you call a wizard?
– A neckromancer.

What do you get if you cross a giraffe with a hedgehog?
– A 12ft toothbrush.

I bet on a giraffe race the other day. Mine lost by a neck. It was nowhere near the finish line.

What do you get when two giraffes collide?
– A giraffic jam.

Why don’t giraffes make good pets?
– They’re too high maintenance.

Have you heard the joke about the giraffe’s neck?
– It’s a long one.

Giraffes are hardworking and make amazing employees.
– The only problem is their neckties cost $5000.

When two giraffes run into each other, it is called a giraffic jam.

My mate told me he was eating an odd animal in a game restaurant.
– I think he was having a giraffe.

Most of the restaurants do not serve giraffes because it’s a tall order.

What happens when a giraffe swallows a toy jet?
– They get a plane in the neck.

Which fruit do giraffes like best?
– Necktarines.

You’re stretching the truth.

The mythical winged creature in the world of giraffes is a giraffing.

What’s the silliest name you can give a giraffe?
– Stumpy.

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