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Giraffe puns in 2025

Did you know that a giraffes neck is strong enough to support the weight of a human climbing on it?
– Anyway, I got banned from my local zoo today

I had an argument with a giraffe once, and found he was slow to apologize. It takes them a long time to swallow their pride.

The father giraffe took time to apologize for his mistake as he took time to swallow his pride.

What is a giraffe’s favorite fruit?
– Necktarines

Why did the giraffe leave his girlfriend?
– Because she was a Cheetah!

What do you call a giraffe without a bowtie?
– Neck-ed.

You’re not a patch on the other animals.

Whenever it’s storytelling time,
– giraffes are known to make up tall tales.

Why do giraffes make bad bosses?
– Because they can’t see eye-to-eye with their employees

Why did the giraffe leave her boyfriend?
– He was a Cheetah!

A giraffe walks into a bar and orders a beer.
– The bartender says “you want a longneck?”
– The giraffe says “you mean I have a choice?”

The boat made for giraffes to travel around the forest was called the giraft.

The giraffes were not hired as staff in the hotel as they are high maintenance.

The giraffe joined the office as an extra staff but rose in the necking order and is now the CEO.

What did the giraffe say to the cat in the tree?
– Get out of my dinner!

Why do giraffe children have bad teeth?
– Because they CAN reach the biscuit tin!

The giraffes have to wait for the rains to get a long bath as they don’t fit under the showers.

What did Dracula say then he saw a giraffe for the first time?
– I’d like to get to gnaw you.

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