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Goat puns in 2025

You’ve goat this !

what’s a goat Fav drink ? Goat -arade

goat outtta my face

i Haven’t goat all day!

is it the glass hoof empty or hoof full ?

what’s a goat fav TV show ? America’s Goat talent

goat a life!

Goat a load of that !

Is a moutain goat a hillbilly ?

what do u call a mountain goat ? A hilly billy.

the one that goat away!

I don’t even know how I goat here

Goat to run!!

Hay there,friend.

For goats sake .. that’s enough

Goating mixed signals !

You had me from the goat-go.

If a young goat learns a martial art ,are they a karate kid ?

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