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Grape puns in 2025

People need to know the benefits of eating dried grapes. We all should be raisin awareness.

Tina is definitely a wine enthusiast, the more wine she drinks, the more enthusiastic she gets.

What did the grape do when he got stepped on?
– He let out a wine.

What did the green grape say to the purple grape?
– Breathe, damn it! Breathe!

“Why do you like my music so much?” The grape asked his fans.
The fans responded: “Because your music just raisinates with us!”
Laughing off the pun his fans had just made, the grape replied:
– “Well, that’s raisinable!”

Betty was hammered at the wedding reception because every time the waiter asked to refill her drink she would say “wine not”.

If you could rehydrate the raisins
– That would be grapes

I got lost during my parent’s wine tasting, and I said, “If anyone could lead me to my parents, that would be grape,” everyone just started laughing.

Scientists published a paper on grapes, consciousness and fruit rights.
– It is basically all about raisin awareness.

My mom asked me if I wanted a glass of wine. I said to her “wine not”.

“What’s purple and 5000 miles long?” “Ooh! I know! The Grape Wall of China!”

I like to read news articles about grapes
I like to buff up on currant events.

My friends asked me why I hang my grapes outside to dry. I replied: “I have my raisins.”

When he began pouring his wine over ice cubes, she knew that their relationship was clearly on the rocks.

What did the grape say when it got crushed?
– Nothing. It just let out a little wine.

A grape walked into a fruit mixer and didn’t even thank the mixer for not squishing it. He was quite an ungrapeful one.

How did the grape get to be so wise?
– By raisin awareness

Billy drank so much wine at the night club that when he walked across that dance floor to get more wine, he won that dance competition.

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