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Grape puns in 2025

A great wine always starts with a good grapevine,
– but a great cheese will start with a good bovine.

Yeah if you could just rehydrate those raisins
– That would be grapes

If I write about old grapes, would I be raisin awareness on old age, or would it just be a wine?

Why did the grape get disqualified from the limbo championship
– He kept raisin the bar

Love the wine you’re with.

The raisin wined about how he couldn’t achieve grapeness.

I like talking to my kids about the benefits of dried grapes.
It’s all about raisin awareness.

Would you call raisins berryatric, for they are just old wrinkly grapes.

Those who drink too much wine will wake the following morning with a hangover otherwise known as the “Grape Depression”.

What did the green grape say to the purple grape?

A grape met with an accident. His mother in the hospital said, “I hope the doctors gave him some medicine so that he doesn’t wine”.

My sister swapped her 100 grapes with my 50 raisins. We both weren’t aware of the currant exchange rate.

Although the chardonnay is not really considered champagne, it’s still wine.

You did a grape job
– Raisin me

Did you hear about the grape that betrayed his country?
– He committed traisin

If we are what we eat, then eat dried grapes. We all should be the products of our raisin.

Me and my fellow wine drinkers always discover the next best brands by way of the grapevine.

New Rape Flavour

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