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Green puns in 2025

There’s no need to panic, please romaine calm.

Green vegetables absolutely love going on camps as a group. Their favorite is the Brussels Scouts.

What’s green and smells just like red paint? Green paint.

When global warming causes you to see cow skulls in places that used to be green…
– you’ll know we’ve reached the cow tipping point.

I’ve bean thinking about you.

Leprechauns make great gardeners. In fact, it is widely believed that they have green thumbs.

All dressed up and nowhere to grow

My green thumb is like the Hulk: always pissed off and inherently talented at destroying things.

How do you know Kermit didn’t have asthma?
– Because it’s not wheezy being green.

What do keepers sometimes feed to captive animals?
– Zoo-chini.

I overheard a traffic light talking the other day. The green light exclaimed to the red light, “Don’t look! I’m changing!”

What’s green and red and goes up and down up and down?
– A frog in a blender

This has probably been said a thousand times, but my girlfriend somehow didn’t find it hysterical.
While making dinner tonight for the family, my girlfriend wanted to add more of that dark, leafy, and easily pun-able green called Kale.
Girlfriend: Can I add more kale?
Me: Won’t that be over-kale?

There’s one great green fruit that you should eat to maintain your fitness levels. Try adding a little avocardio into your diet.

My eldest was asking me the other day what green energy was. I replied, “Well, you mix blue and yellow energy together…”

Did you hear what the coffee said to the green tea?
– Sorry I’m latte.

Bean thinking about donating to our school fundraiser? Lettuce give you some advice.

I threw my green hat into the Black sea the other day to see what would happen. Nothing did; it just got wet.

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