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Hair puns in 2025

What a close shave it was, their lives could have been cut short.

Do people who live near a beach have sandy and wavy hair?

She was what we used to call a suicide blonde — dyed by her own hand.

My hairdresser is the funniest person I know, he’s just so hair-larious.

My hairdresser tried to blame everything on me but honestly, it takes two to tangle.

If you live down south and you really want a hairy drink, try the frizzy pop.

I hair what you’re saying but I don’t know that I agree.

Having long hair means I don’t have to depend on someone else to make a living. I’m in charge here.

When you’re a hairdresser, the dye’s the limit.

You cannot complain when your job gives you decent fringe benefits.

Which type of writing tool does not has any hair? – A baldpoint pen.

What was the name of the hair salon next to the graveyard?
— Curl Up and Dye.

My brother is about to cut your hair, so if I were you, I’d be hairy afraid!

I’m friends with a hairdresser but it’s difficult to have a proper conversation with him because he always cuts them short.

Everyone was sorry to learn that he had dye-betes.

In my dreams, nobody shaves. I have a lot of imagine hairy friends.

If you perm your hair twice in opposite directions, does it come out straight?

What did the hairdresser say to someone attacking them? I’m too young to dye!

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