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Hair puns in 2025

Where did the sheep get a hair cut?
— At the baa-baa shop.

I heard you’re in distress because you got a bad haircut; don’t worry, I always shave the day!

I can’t fulfill my dream of becoming a hairdresser because I have dye-betes.

If you befriend a barber, you may never have any long conversation because they always cut them short.

Wise people always shave some money to spend later.

Another bald chap I know never uses keys now. He’s lost his locks.

No matter what the situation is with your hairdresser, I’m sure it can be straightened out.

Don’t get on the wrong side of my hairdresser, he can really hair a grudge.

By not coming, he shaved me from lots of trouble.

If you want to groom cool cats, use a catacomb.

What my “Ph.D.” really stands for:
— Professional Hair Dresser.

The accident was a really close shave, their lives could have been cut short.

Barbers also make excellent cab drivers because they know every short cut in town.

The difference between Caesar’s barber and circus master is that one is a shaving Roman while the other a raving snowman.

Trying to tame frizzy hair can be very fro straighting.

Why girls play with their hair when they wake up?
— Because they don’t have balls

I bought a pair of hair scissors, they were second hand but they are in tip top conditioner.

It’s difficult to get an appointment with my hairdresser, her calendar is always full to the trim.

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