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Hand puns in 2025

“I trust my fingers alot!”
Because i can count on them…………

A guy I know has got a prosthetic arm. It is quite handy.

I was at school and had to say an impromptu speech on the cloth piece that encircles our wrists. I was speaking about the cuff off the cuff.

What is the one piece of jewelry that Sigmund Freud always used to wear on his wrist? An ID bracelet.

Broke ny finger today
On the other hand i am ok

Why don’t you give any credit to the elbow for bending the arm? Because it’s a joint effort.

People really gotta hand it to the short people. They can’t reach it on their own.

I always wear jackets with no sleeves and no arms when I’m going out to do something serious. That’s how you’ll know that I’m in-vest-ed in it.

Why does everyone love their arms? Because they’re all very attached to them.

A roman walks into a bar and holds up 2 fingers.
“I’ll take 5 beers, please ” he said.

I wanted to look cool at my friend’s dance class so I said anyone can do a handstand. When the teacher asked me to do it I asked my friend to place his hand on the floor and I merely just stood on it.

Movies lied about how the fall of civilisation would happen. They promised zombies and car chases with trucks covered in spikes but really its just working from home and singing happy birthday to yourself as you wash your hands

The date of my upper arm surgery got moved to a sooner date than I anticipated. Well, I guess that is a wait off of my shoulders.

What would you call the elbow of the man who directed the movie Malcolm X? Spike Lee Joint.

Where is it most unsafe to play the “pull my finger” game?
At the leper colony.

How many bones do you think a human hand would have? Umm, a handful maybe?

I’ve washed my hands so much that now are greeting me. It surely is because of my hi gene.

My wrists always hurt whenever I’m driving to work along with my co-workers, and we go through a tunnel. I’m starting to think it may be carpool tunnel syndrome.

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