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Hat puns in 2025

You could say cowboy hats are “well-rounded”.

All gnomes have red pointy beanies. It’s a gnome fact.

I have just purchased a new hat? One fedora?
– No, one for me.

Where do these crazy hat women live? They live in Mad-hatt-an!

I heard you can get rich in the hat market. One day I’ll be a milliner!

I like to wear a canoe on my head like it’s a hat
Works best if it’s capsized

Computer: choose a password.
Me: hi-hat
Computer: password cannot contain symbols

You should put your thinking cap on, so you can get ahead!

What would you say after removing the hat of another person?
– “You are de – cap – tivated!

I’m not saying that my friend Fred doesn’t think deeply, but usually, the only thing on his mind is his hat.

Two psychiatrists are discussing their day. The first one says to the second, “Would you believe I had a patient today who claimed he heard music every time he put on his hat?” The colleague asked, “Really? What did you do?” The first one replied, “I took it from him and removed the band.”

What do you call a snake that wears a hard hat?
– A boa constructor.

I know a nun who always wears a hat out. I guess it’s her habit.

Do you know any actress who does not like wearing a hat?
– Perhaps Anne Hat – away!

My wife asks my opinion about her new red hat. I just say that it looks terrible, and then I can feel hat – red in her voice and eye!

What do you call a lion wearing a stylish hat?
– A dandy-lion.

I bet this went over some of your heads

To make any boat a hat, flip it over and it becomes cap-sised!

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