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Hat puns in 2025

Sailors don’t like buying bucket hats
– because they’re afraid of capsizing.

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I enjoy puns, but I will never tell a hat pun because they are beanie – th me!

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What do we call a car that wears a hat? A hat-chback!

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When a beer wears a cap, it’s called a bottlecap.

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“Hats” should be spelled as “HATS”
– Because it’s all caps

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One of my friends told me he was opening a clothing store that sold everything except for hats.
I thought he was pulling my leg, but when I asked him, he told me “Yeah man it’s true, no cap.”

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When a goldfish wears a top hat, it becomes so-fish-ticated.

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These days, I see so many people using hat – tags on social media. But why not so many are people wearing hats?

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What do you call a little guy in a pointy hat on a train saying “tick tick tick”?
– A metro-gnome.

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When told the Academy Awards was going old school and every presenter had to wear a top hat, which presenter bowed out? Anne Anne Hat – away!

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That beret looks beret-good!

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Why does the hen like wearing beanies?
– Because it needs to hat-ch its eggs.

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What do we call a man who does not go outside without a hat?
– He is a hat (hot) head

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I love wearing hats and enjoy study chemistry. That is the reason why I decided to combine Fluor, Phosphor, and hats to create Fluoro – phosph – hat

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A frog always leaves its bonnets and coats in the croak-room.

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What does a white hat dropped into the Red Sea become?
– Wet

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If a coffee has a hat, it must be a cap-a-ccino.

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Hatters gonna hat!

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