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Hat puns in 2025

What do we call a hacker who always wears a cap?
– A black hat or a white hat.

Which actress does not like wearing hats?
– Anne Hat-away!

A magician in Las Vegas has a most unusual act. He pulls his top hat out of a bunny.

What does a witch say when it can’t decide which one to wear?
– Witch hat?

Try this bowler hat because you will look adora-bowl!

Yesterday, I saw a man playing tennis with a hat on his head. I think he was Roger Fedora.

What do we call a car that wears a hat?
– It is called a hat – chback!

What does a witch say when it can’t decide which one to wear? Witch hat?

One hat says to the other,
“You wait here, I’ll go on a head.”

When a computer can’t take its hat off it’s in caps-lock.

What would happen to a witch who has an upside-down nose?
– Her hat would blow off each time she sneezes.

Do you know what animals love hats? All animals that lay eggs because they have to hat-ch!

I have just purchased a new hat? Fedora? No, for me.

What did the hat say to the tie?
– You hang around and I’ll go a-head.

I would put you in my house if I was a sorting hat!

A T-rex wearing a top hat is a dino-sir.

My father has just been back from travelling with dozens of hats?
– Do you know where did he visit? It is Hat – iti!

Did you know garden gnomes wear little red hats?
– It’s a little gnome fact.

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