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Head Puns in 2024

As a mythologist and head of the household, My word is lore.

After the concussion, Ron started seeing many different visions. The doctor said that it was all in his head.

Your head is so massive that if you used it as a bowling ball, you would be guaranteed a strike everytime.

I bought some shoes from a drug-dealer; I don’t know what he did to the laces because I was trippin!

Did you hear about the kidnapping at school? HE WOKE UP!

Why didn’t they play cards on Noah’s Ark? BECAUSE NOAH SAT ON THE DECK!

Did you hear about the man who had nothing else to do so drilled into his own head? He was bored to death

Why doesn’t big head Gary go to the cinema halls? His head is so big he can already dream in widescreen.

What is green, has four sides and hurts if it hits your head?
A pool table

Earlier today someone sent me a bunch of flowers, but all the heads had been cut off. I think I’m being stalked

What did the satisfied customer say to the server at a tea room? THIS IS MY CUP OF TEA!

What happens to a frog’s car when it breaks down? IT GETS TOAD AWAY!

What do Mexicans wear on their heads in the pool? Swimbreros.

The students were taught brain surgery, and one of them got tired and said, “It is too much to wrap my head around.”

As a child a lot of kids would shove things up their nose.

What do Mexicans wear on their heads in the pool? Swimbreros.

A boiled egg in the morning is hard to beat.

What do you call a belt of watches? A WASTE OF TIME!

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