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Head Puns in 2025

Your head is so big that “lather, rinse, repeat” is just not an option.

What is a red heads favorite drink? Ginger Ale

Why did Anakin Skywalker cross the road? TO GET TO THE DARK SIDE!

What do you call a fat psychic? A FOUR CHIN TELLER!

I lost my memory after getting hit on the head by a boomerang. It’s all coming back to me now.

The prince gifted a crown to his beloved, she said she was head over heels with him.

Sponge Bob Squarehead.

I lost my memory after getting hit on the head by a boomerang. It’s all coming back to me now

The rodent club finished drafting a constitution, but it ha yet to be ratified.

Which state has the smallest soft drinks? MINISODA!

What do they play at a party when everyone’s sleepy? Talking Heads.

I was going to slap you because your head was in the clouds
But I mist

Your head is so big that the rest of your body will never get a tan.

Why did the bicycle fall over? IT WAS TWO TIRED!


My friend always sleeps with his head on a bag of rice He said it was a type of pilau.

Why was big head Gary banned from the concert? His head was so big he was blocking the sky view boxes.

You don’t have a forehead, you have more like a 6 or 7 head.

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