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Herb puns in 2025

Cicely was cooking tomato soup on the stove. She burnt her hands when she touched the pot. She was not using any cloves.

I was sending out so many greeting cards for Christmas. A few accidentally fell inside the spice storage. Now they are seasoned greetings.

What’s a postmans favourite herb?
– Parcely.

My fresh herbs will go bad soon
I want to make pesto but I’m running out of thyme.

Why do gardeners hand out their herbs? To pass the thyme. If you like this herb pun, please check out these garden puns right now because you’ll like them too.

I forgot to ask my kid to water the plants when I was away. So, it is parsley my fault that all the plants have dried.

I hurt my hands while plucking roses from my garden. I should have used some cloves.

I keep being awakened by dreams of Indian dishes that use a complex combination of spices or herbs, usually including ground turmeric, cumin, coriander, ginger, and fresh or dried chilies…
– It’s a re-curry-ing nightmare.

What did Ronald Reagan’s wife say when he asked her if she wanted a new herb garden?
– Oh-Reagan-no!

After many years of procrastination I have finally finished my book on common herbs…
– It’s about thyme.

UPS says my book on evergreen herbs from the mint family lamiaceae is going to be delivered tomorrow by end of day.
– It’s about thyme.

I was really excited when I decided to have a herb garden. But later I realized that I don’t have enough cinna-money for that.

I happened to see some lucky bamboos in the morning. Thistle be the best day ever.

The herbs need to grow up and take care of themselves by weeding out the unnecessary drama.

What did the herb farmer say when he was running behind schedule?
– We’re in a thyme crunch

Whst did the herb gardener say to the sloppy chef?
– Please, don’t waste my thyme!

Last night, in bed, my wife asked me to put fresh fish and herbs on her.
– I said, “There’s a thyme and a plaice for that sort of thing.”

I was always late for work because of my sleeping arrangement. My doctor suggested that I sleep in the garden. Now I wake up on thyme.

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