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Hockey puns in 2025

Once, a basketball player decided to try shooting hoops on a hockey rink. All of his friends started calling him Scottie Slipped!

I had the most unusual incident yesterday. I went to a hockey store with my friend where I knew they sold skates for good prices. I said to my friend, “There are cheap skates here!” when suddenly the employee got angry with me and called her manager.

What was on the menu for the winning hockey team?
– Stanley cupcakes.

What do you call a hockey player that raps?
– Tupuc

A hockey goalie mistook a game for his school lessons when he finally noticed that a hockey game just has three periods, unlike that of a school!

The famous singer and songwriter John Denver was asked to write the opening anthem for the Premier Hockey League.
– So he wrote the song ‘Hockey Mountain High’ for them.

What is the difference between hockey players and hippy chicks?
– Hockey players shower after three periods.

I asked a real estate agent how much it would cost to buy a hockey stadium.
– But she said she could only give me a ballpark estimate.

The ice hockey team needed some reinforcements in defense.
– The hockey analyst mocked them by saying, “Oduya?”

The young hockey player could not play on the school music band for what reason?
– Because he broke his trombone.

The difference between a bucket of shit and a New Jersey Devils fan is what?
– The bucket

During the summer, you will never find a Zamboni driver. However, with the onset of the season, you see that he has resurfaced!

I once had to give a trial for a hockey team. As I wasn’t prepared at all I could do was just wing it.

How many NHL players can jump higher than a crossbar?
– All of them, crossbar can’t jump.

A hockey player collided with another player on the ice and knocked out a few of his teeth.
– However it was acci-dental.

Carpenters hate playing ice hockey the most. The only reason would be that they don’t like being nailed on the boards!

The difference between a fat chick and the Atlanta Trashers?
– Even a fat chick scores every once in a while.

The greatest hockey player in history would be called what if he had chosen not to play hockey?
– Wanye Regretzky

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