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Hockey puns in 2025

How many NHL players can jump higher than a crossbar?
– All of them, crossbar can’t jump.

A hockey player collided with another player on the ice and knocked out a few of his teeth.
– However it was acci-dental.

Carpenters hate playing ice hockey the most. The only reason would be that they don’t like being nailed on the boards!

The difference between a fat chick and the Atlanta Trashers?
– Even a fat chick scores every once in a while.

The greatest hockey player in history would be called what if he had chosen not to play hockey?
– Wanye Regretzky

What do you call a hockey team full of old people?
– The Jerry hat tricks

Our local hockey club hired a moose to be their coach, and within days it showed bright results.
– Now the club is so organized that it is being referred to as a Manitoba moose!

Why is Cinderella bad in the game of hockey?
– Because she learned it from a pumpkin.

One thing Billy Graham and Los Angeles king have in common is what?
– Both can make 15000 people stand up and scream “Jesus Christ.”

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