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Honey puns in 2025

How does a bee annoy its queen?
– By misbeehaving

Honey, you’re so sweet!

Her: Honey can you pick up some milk
Him:* lifts gallon * done

Her: no from the store

Him: I imagine it weighs the same there too

Honey, I’ve got something to tell you and for once I’m not full of crap
I just took a giant dump

No one at the party wanted to hear that bee talk about himself, but he just kept droning on.

Honeycomb – What bees use to comb their fuzz.

You can catch a lot of flys with honey
But you’ll catch more honeys being fly

I just couldn’t bee-lieve Honey never expires

Maybe a little Easter joke here and there…
What do you call and Egg from Space? A Eggsaterrestrial
What do you get when you cross a Bee and a Bunny? A Honey Bunny
What jewelry does the Easter Bunny where? 14 Carrot Gold

The bee got into some sticky business.

I told my wife at dinner, “honey your chicken parmesan reminds me of a poutine” she said “how’s that?”
– Because I want to poutine my mouth.

Where do worker bees go on vacation?
– Sting-apore.

Honey. I’m home!

Called my wife and said, “I’m almost home, honey, could you please put the coffee maker on.” After a twenty second pause, I asked, “You still there sweetheart?” She answered, “Yeah…”
“But I don’t think the coffee maker wants to talk right now!”

Grandpa: Don’t come in here honey, I just passed a silent one.
Grandma: You need a new battery for your hearing aid.

I went to the bee keepers to buy some bees. All the bees had price tags on them except one.
– It was a freebie.

Honeymoon – Bees spending some time together after their marriage.

My wife pulled me aside yesterday. We sat down and she told me she had some news. Honey, I’m pregnant were here exact words.
I responded with hi pregnant, i’m dad.

“No you’re not.”

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