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Horse puns in 2025

Wild hornets couldn’t drag me there.

Horses are extremely independent animals, and they can talk whinney wants to!

After visiting the bathroom, the winged horse used the pegaflushes!

When the little horse stayed up late at night, his father shouted at him, “Little foal go to bed as it is pasture bedtime”.

Princess Elsa never really feared any horses
-Probably because the colt never bothered her anyway.

I recently bought a painting from a farmer who only draws pictures of horses and cows.
– His name I heard is Oscar Moo-neigh.

Wild whores could not drag me away.

The little pony didn’t win the singing competition as he was a little hoarse!

The anthem for horses is ‘Watch me whip… watch me neigh neigh’.

I was really enjoying my ride and just thinking how beautiful it was here and the next minute I was picking gravel out of my head.

If your horses get possessed by demons, only consult an ex-horse-ist!

The horse had no friends as he always bail-ed on everyone!

I read a novel that had the story of a runaway horse
– It was such a bad tale of ‘whoa’.

My horse woke up screaming and crying in the dead of night.
-She probably had a night-mare!

Horses only ever have one hospital where they can go to have babies
– It’s in Philly.

A lot of horses get distracted
– it’s just human nature.

A horse that has a negative attitude in life can always be seen saying “Neigh”.

A horse was running towards a man at full speed because it heard the man shout ‘Hey’.

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