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Hot Dog puns in 2025

When can a pizza marry a hot dog?
– After a very frank relationship.

What do you call a not so nice person who won the hot dog eating contest?
– A

I met a dog with a fever once.
– Boy, was he a hot dog.

What do you get when you cross a chili pepper, steam shovel, and a Chihuahua?
– Hot diggety dog.

Relish the good times with your best friends.

When I took the first bite of the hot dog and the ketchup squirted in my eye so now
– I have heinzsight.

I mustard you a question, so do you care for hot dogs?

The family got completely lost on their journey to the hot dog stand.
– They took a turn for the wurst.

“I’m going to flip when summer’s over.”

What do you give a dog with a fever?
– Mustard, it’s the best thing for a hot dog.

When you turn mammals that fly into hot dogs, things just get from bat to wurst.

Why did the actor who loved hot dogs turn down the part of the movie?
– The acting role was not good enough.

I was being silly the other day while I ate a hot dog, and a bit of ketchup squirted into my eye when I took a bite.
– Now I have heinzsight.

Red, white, and barbecue.

What did the hot dog bun say to the hot dog?
– Stop touching my buns!

What does the hamburger say to the hot dog?
– ‘We meat again’.

I went to a hot dog race.
– The weiner took it all.

Did you see the movie about the hot dog?
– It was an Oscar Wiener.

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