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Hot Dog puns in 2025

The hot dog managed to get a job, even though he had a criminal record.
– It was only a misde-wiener.

When does a hot dog have a close shave?
– At the barber-cue.

I think we grilled too much food. Ugh, what a pickle.

I do take my time when I put toppings on my hot dogs
– because I just relish those moments.

When you love the taste of the hot dog, you will dance your buns off.

Let me be frank, I love the summer.

“You don’t like hot dogs?
– Well, you’re the wurst.”

When do franks tell insults?
– At a wienie roast!

The movie about the hot dog was an Oscar Wiener.

Those German sausage puns are truly the wurst

I want to take you to a movie about hot dogs.
– It’s supposed to be a good one, it’s an Oscar weiner.

I’m playing ketchup this summer season.

Can I give you a condiment?

What do you get when your dog jumps into the fire pit?
– A hot dog.

Someone who is able to neatly put their ketchup and mustard on a hot dog deserves a condiment.

So hot dog, we meat again.

“Hot diggity dog.”

What do you call a dog with a fever?
– A hot dog.

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