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Hot Dog puns in 2025

I relish the opportunity to ketchup at another time for the hot dog lunch.

Germans refuse to put cheese on a hot dog.
– They consider it a wurst-Käse scenario.

“It could always be wurst.”

When does a hot dog have a close shave?
– At the barber-cue!

I want to name my hot dog ‘the moment’
– because I like to relish it.

Why do you become so honest after eating hot dogs?
– They make you frank.

The hot dog bun told the hot dog to stop touching its buns.

Eventually the hot dog managed to ask out the ketchup.
– He finally mustard up the courage.

Sun’s out, hot dog buns out.

What do you call a frozen frankfurter?
– A Chili dog.

Why do you eat so many hot dogs during the warm weather that you did not eat before?
– Because of playing ketchup with summer.

My pet dog had a fever, so I gave him some mustard.
– It’s the best thing for a hot dog.

“Relish the good times with your best friends.”

What did the Mama Hot Dog say to the little frankfurter?
– Ketch-up!

Why are Germans afraid to get cheese on their hot dogs?
– That would turn out to be the Wurst-Käse scenario.

You are the weiner of the hot dog eating contest.

The hot dog asked his friend, “have you been to the German nightclub yet?”
– His friend hadn’t, it was too krauted.

“Frankly, this is the best barbecue ever.”

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