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Ice cream puns in 2025

A balanced diet is an ice cream in each hand.

Do I love ice cream? You sherbet I do!

Cold as ice

I’m nuts about you!

Game of Cones is the best show ever

Today, it’s sunny with a chance of sprinkles.

How does Reese eat her ice cream?

I would buy all the ice cream in the world if I won the gelato-ry (lottery)

I’m a cone-trol freak!

Hurry! The dessert parade is starting, and I don’t want to miss
the ice cream float.

I don’t de(soft)serve you

I love ice cream a waffle lot.

You make me melt!

I love you un-cone-ditionally

I know how to chill out.

What do you call a cow during an earthquake?
A milkshake!

This is going to take up gelato my time

Stealing ice cream? I don’t cone-done that behavior!

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