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Kitchen puns in 2024

You wouldn’t know it by looking at him, but my friend is a natural at remodeling kitchens.
He’s counter intuitive

For the lobsters in the kitchen….
…the sinking of the Titanic was a ‘miracle’.

A fly got stuck in the strainer. A chef who saw it exclaimed, “You got yourself in a fine mesh”.

I visited a monastery the other day and as I walked past the kitchen I saw a man frying chips. I asked him “Are you the friar?”
– He replied “No, I’m the chip monk…”

Shake it like a polaroid picture.

I’m trying out this new kitchen set with no egg beater
The says it’s a 30 day whisk free trial

I got tired of fighting straw… So I hit the hay.

What do gorillas and orangutans wear in the kitchen?
– Ape-rons.

I’m very grapeful for you.

I robbed a kitchen utensils shop last night…
To make it big, you gotta take some whisks.

My sister got extremely angry when she found that I was stir-frying our dog. I don’t understand why. She told me to take it on a wok!

The only way you can tell that the pasta you are preparing is done is if you have a good skill of Al-dente-fication!

In a 3600-year-old cooking pot, you can only find Ancient Greece!

We better hurry up. I think we’re running out of thyme.

Why didn’t the cheese want to get sliced? It had grater plans.

My wife experiences occasional trouble cooking, but that’s not an issue for me at all. I bae-leaf in her!

I visited a monastery and as I walked past the kitchen I saw a man frying chips…
‘Are you the friar? ‘ I asked him.

‘No, I am the chip monk’ he replied.

Edit : Holy crap ! More than 1K updoots for a silly joke ? Thanks guys ! I am not sure whether to be proud or ashamed of myself.

My mom was working in the kitchen, and she accidentally broke some tiles
And my dad said, “I told you that method would be fewtile”

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