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Kitchen puns in 2025

What do you call a person who can’t stop stealing kitchen supplies?
– A whisk taker

I just saw 10 ants frantically running around my kitchen. I felt bad so I built them a small house.
Now I’m their landlord and I collect rent from my tenants.

I would like a set of containers for my kitchen. I would like to store my baking soda, borax, milk of magnesia, drain cleaner, and ammonia. Most importantly, they need to have very secure lids.
I like to keep all my bases covered.

The citrus fruits wanted to go on a road trip. One of them was the main oranger of everything as the trip was a success.

Yesterday I purchased a world map and put it on the wall in the kitchen
I gave my wife a dart and said:” Throw this and, wherever it lands, i’ll take you there for a holiday.”

Turns out we’re spending three weeks behind the fridge.

Let the beet drop.

My family tell me not to steal kitchen utensils
But it’s a whisk I’m willing to take

What do you call a collection of bones made out of kitchenware?
– A skillet-ton.

Chris Ubank just advised me to shop lift some kitchen utensils
He said, if I wanted to make it big, I would have to take some whisks.

Pasta la vista baby!

Napoleon arrived at a banquet and exclaimed, “Bon, a party”.

The barman in the pub looked over at me said, “Your glass is empty. Fancy another one?” ” Why would I want two empty glasses?” I asked

The favorite spice ingredient of any historian is anchovy!

Eggscuse me.

I work in a kitchen and my colleague threw a satchet of salt at me and said
You’ve just been a-salted

I have a high shelf in my kitchen to store meat. It’s safe to say… The steaks are high.

Me and a couple of friends went camping. Sitting beside the bonfire and telling stories is customary. However, we all need to be-ef frank with one another!

Let the good times roll.

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