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Kitchen puns in 2025

I’ve never had an eggs benedict at a restaurant as good as the one I can make in my own kitchen.
There’s no place like home for the hollandaise.

Did you hear about the Italian chef that slipped in the kitchen?
– Yeah, he pasta away.

The two lemon couples went to the Bahamas to celebrate Valen-limes day!

If you’re Russian in the kitchen what are you in the bathroom?
– European

Chop it like it’s hot.

A kitchen sink that treats you right?
That’s a Farrah Fawcett.

One of my kitchen utensils seems to be playing classical music. Think it’s the Chopin board.

I lost my job at the salvation army soup kitchen last night.
All I said was hurry up some of us have homes to go to…

Penne for your thoughts.

I saw 10 ants in my kitchen this morning
… I guess I must be their landlord and they my tenants.

Harry Potter found it extremely difficult to differentiate between a cooking utensil and his best friend because they are both cauldron!

Mark Knopfler is opening a Chinese restaurant He’s calling it Wok of Life

Everyone should always cook egg dishes to egg-spand their horizon!

It’s a gravy situation.

Why did the female chef win the cook-off?
– Because cheese grater!

I wanted to cook mushrooms at a cooking competition, but it was a one-off chance. There was not mushroom for error!

Wife dropped a jar of pickles upon opening the fridge; glass and pickle juice went all over the kitchen floor.
My 10 year old son: Don’t worry, it’s not a big dill. My wife while looking at me: -.-

A couple of dogs were sitting in the kitchen chewing the fat. First dog says, “I heard a good joke today.” Second dog replies, “Go on then.” First dog continues, “Knock Kno…”
Second dog leaps up and goes berserk…

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