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Knee puns in 2025

Anytime someone hurts their knee try these:
Ask where it hurts and then say “oh so you hurt your High-knee” if it’s the top of the knee, or “oh you hurt your Below-knee” if it’s lower. My dumbest but favorite joke I’ve come up with.

What would you call a knee that cannot keep its cool before a knee replacement surgery?
– You get to call it pa-knee-c!

My daughter came to me crying, “Daddy, I hurt my knee!”. There was a lot of concern when I asked her whether Eenie, Meenie, and Mo were alright!

Why were the police trying to catch the knee surgery expert?
– This was because he had a lot of ammu-knee-tion!

I was in the gym the other day, when I saw a man get down on one knee and propose to his girlfriend. Unfortunately she said no!
– Well that didn’t workout…

Q: What did the femur say to the patella?
A: I kneed you.

What should you call a knee that is extremely small in size?
– It should be called tiknee!

What’s a knee’s favorite dessert?
– A brown-ie!

I went for a run and dislocated my knee again. It’s like ground-jog day.

What should one be calling a knee that bees like to sit on?
– You call it a ho-knee!

I was supposed to have my knee operated on by two doctors. They told me that my knee surgery was supposed to be a joint operation!

What did the Indian knee surgery expert love to have as dessert?
– He loves to have chut-knee!

What happens when your knee operation goes wrong?
– Iroknee?


Took an arrow to the knee
Kept adventuring

I once met a man who had many knees. He was from the country of Poly-Knee-Sia!

What is the name of the cute rabbit who has knees in the shape of bread?
– You call him a bun-knee!

From a botched stunt, an actor took an arrow to the knee.
He’s okay though, this is Hollywood, it was a faux knee arrow.

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