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Knee puns in 2024

What is the name of the famous knee that is a big tourist attraction and brings in a lot of revenue?
– It is known as the mo-knee!

My sister started pointing at my knees and laughing. What’s fun-knee?
– I asked her.

Mickey to Goofy: My knee hurts!
Goofy: Which one?
Mickey: Disney!

What should you be calling a festival celebrating the importance of knees?
– We should be calling it a Car-Knee-Val!

The doctor told me that I had two options: either get surgery on my patella or use a walking stick for the rest of my life. Kneedless to say, I went for the knee surgery!

How did the patient pay for his knee surgery?
– He paid for it by giving knee-ckles!

I have a scar on my knee. It was made from scratch.


The surgeon advised the football player to not have the knee replacement surgery
– because the injury was insigkneeficant!

Dad will you patch my trousers?
– Sure, pass me the knee-dle and thread.

I think my knees are getting stronger, after all is said and run.

When the knee family went to buy a car at the showroom, which car did they decide upon?
– They decided to buy a Kneesan!

What do we say when a knee has reached the peak of its powers?
– We say that it has reached its ze-knee-th!

How would one describe a knee that is weak and not strong enough to perform daily jobs?
– You call it pu-knee!

A football player goes to the doctor and says “It hurts whenever I touch my face, knee and elbow.” The doctor says,
“You’ve broken your hand.”


Why was the element crying?
– He hit his neon the ground

No matter what treatment I did on my knee, it still complained. Guess, I have never seen such a whi-knee!

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