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Knee puns in 2025

I went for a run and dislocated my knee again. It’s like ground-jog day.

What should one be calling a knee that bees like to sit on?
– You call it a ho-knee!

I was supposed to have my knee operated on by two doctors. They told me that my knee surgery was supposed to be a joint operation!

What did the Indian knee surgery expert love to have as dessert?
– He loves to have chut-knee!

What happens when your knee operation goes wrong?
– Iroknee?


Took an arrow to the knee
Kept adventuring

I once met a man who had many knees. He was from the country of Poly-Knee-Sia!

What is the name of the cute rabbit who has knees in the shape of bread?
– You call him a bun-knee!

From a botched stunt, an actor took an arrow to the knee.
He’s okay though, this is Hollywood, it was a faux knee arrow.

What is the type of music that one should listen to while having a knee replacement surgery?
– One should listen to an apatella band!

Why was the patient feeling drowsy after his knee surgery?
– This was because he was given a strong dose of akneesthesia!

What should one be calling a knee that is acting strange and silly?
– We should be calling it a loo-knee!

Why do doctors hit your knee?
– They get a small kick out of it

When I was a kid, I fell down and hurt my knee. As I sat there crying, my father came over to check on me.
Dad pointed to a red area near the top of my knee that was obviously the injury and said “where does it hurt? Is it your high knee, (then he points much lower) or your low knee?”
I respond, “it’s my high knee.”
Dad says, “it’s your heinie??! I thought you hurt your knee!”
I remember being furious. I have now pulled this one on my five year old, and I can’t wait until my one year old is old enough to be on the receiving end of it as well.

Taking a knee
– Who did it better?

Well, my leg was hurting and I couldn’t really walk, so my doctor told me that was in urgent knee-d of a replacement!

Why was the artist drawing abstract knee pictures for his new series?
– Because he said, it was a ma-knee-festation of his imagi-knee-tion!

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