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Knee puns in 2025

Winning the relay race is a joint effort!

What is the kind of knee that blows out smoke?
– We call it a chimknee!

I recently went fishing with my father, and we were surprised to catch something with two knees. It turned out to be a two-knee fish!

What happened when the knee surgery was unsuccessful on the patient?
– The patient said he was doing fine with a tone of iro-knee!

Doctor’s are always hitting their patients on the knee to test their reflexes. They really get a kick out of it.


How knee high boots go past your knees

The stand-up comic was saying a whole lot of jokes about his knee replacement surgery, but all those jokes were very cor-knee!

That pony has such long legs, knee-haw!

Did you hear Bruce Lee hit his knee
He is now bruise knee

Why do doctors give special attention to the knees of little children?
– This is because they are kid-knees!

Apart from a cap, what else does a knee like to wear?
– Well, the knee absolutely loves to wear the beaknee!

What was the name of the famous sitcom character known for his great knees?
– His name was Bar-knee Stinson!

My left knee has never committed a crime.
I can’t say the same for his felony.


Why is your leg glowing?
– Put your neon my desk and we’ll see

My mother had a weird disease where she couldn’t remember that she had knees. The doctors diagnosed it as a case of am-knee-sia!

Where did the knee surgery expert go to learn about all things related to knees?
– He went to the U-knee-versity!

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