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Knitting puns in 2025

Christmas trees are the worst knitters. You’ll find them constantly dropping their needles.

Tommy the knitter accidentally left a hole in my jumper. When I showed him the jumper, he said “Darn it”.

I knit of my own I-cord.

My friend, a knitter, has a really hard time finding appropriate transportation
– because she lives in the mountains. She can only use a cable car.

There’s no reason for me to joke about a dull needle. It’s all pointless.

My cat had a near death experience after she fell on a pile of yarn needles. Thank God, she’s alive and wool.

You can make fun about my knitting, but remember, I’m the one with the pointy sticks.

Got an idea for a movie about an old lady who’s into poker and knitting…
– Gonna call it Scarf-Ace

An old lady was knitting & speeding on the highway.
A cop pulled up to her & yelled “Pullover!”
She yelled back, “No, they’re mittens!”

The needle was a great stand up comedian. His jokes left everyone in stitches.

I always have a ball knitting.

To get good at knitting, you really need to understand the knitty-gritty part of the process.

A pun spun with a good yarn gets fabricated!

Bob’s mother dragged him to the sweater convention against his free wool.

I had knitting plans for later, but they unraveled.

Dadjoked my friend while knitting.
– I was about a fourth of the way through knitting a scarf, and I turned to my friend and said, “Damn, I’ll never finish this by Wednesday…unless….I PULL AN ALL-KNITTER!” She was very disappointed, and I felt ready for fatherhood.

A successful acupuncture session is a needle jab done well.

My grandmother just finished a 3-day yarn marathon. I hope she’s feeling wool.

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