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Lake puns in 2025

“I like big boats and I cannot lie.”

At the lake and keeping it reel.

What happens on the deck, stays on the deck.

We’re going to the lake.

Let minnow the time when you will be free.

Can I get one s’more plate of pasta?

“Hooked. Like, for reels.”

“Things are going swimmingly at the lake.”

Good things come to those who bait.

I lake the way you speak with me.

You lake my day with these flowers.

I had a lake lunch.

The voice of the sea speaks to the soul.

“Free watermelon? Y’all gonna make me lose my rind.”

Life is simple, just add water.

You’re very spe-shell to me.

Fun is too import-tent!

They are afraid while walking through the lake river.

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