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Lemon puns in 2025

One lemon said to the other lemon, “we are zest friends forever!”

When life gives you lemons, squeeze them in people’s eyes.

“This lemon is too sour,” he said bitterly.

What does the lime say to the lemon?
– “Sour you doing?”

The lemon finally proposed and pipped the question.

I can’t wait to squeeze you!

I just lost my job at the lemonade store because I cannot concentrate.

When lemons start fighting all hell breaks juice.

Do you know which yellow thing would help you deal with the issues easier?
– Lemonade. Because it is yellow and aid would solve your problems.

The lemon lawyer declared “I zest my case!”

A lemon uses pickup limes to get a date.

Lemons always apply sun lotion because they peel all the time.

The lemon visits the doctor because it is not peeling well.

You are always my main squeeze.

One lemon met another and the zest is history.

Take life with a grain of salt, a slice of lemon, and a shot of tequila.

The lemon answers the phone by saying “yellow!”

When life gives you a lemon, just find a friend with salt and tequila to enjoy a party.

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