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Lemon puns in 2025

I just lost my job at the lemonade store because I couldn’t concentrate.

The lemon pie went to the dentist because it needed fillings.

The lemon stopped in the road because it ran out of juice.

Who would like to hang out and date a sour grape?
– Perhaps Liz Lemon.

The lemon robbed the bank with its partner in lime.

A lemon went for dinner with a lemon couple and felt like a fifth peel.

The lemon lawyer declared “I zest my case!”

The reason why the lemon fails the driving test is that it always peels out.

People laugh when the lemon says it has a new car until they see its new lemon-sine.

People laugh when the lemon says it has a new car until they see its new lemon-sine.

What is yellow and solves your problems?
– Lemonade because it’s yellow and aids to solve your problems!

The lemon went to the doctor because it had a sour stomach.

I went to the grocery store yesterday to purchase some lemons, but it did not have any left. It was a fruitless shopping trip.

When you face a dilemma in life, just make di-lemonade.

I gave a woman some lemonade last night and schwepped her off her feet.

When you meet an injured lemon, give it lemon-aid.

The next person that asks for a concoction of lemon juice, pineapple juice, and orange juice with fruits is getting a punch.

In the birthday of its son, the lemon wishes him having a soury birthday.

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