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Lettuce puns in 2025

Caesar salads are really good at division. They can always find the romaine-der.

“But it lettuce to the wrong conclusion.”

I’m really worried about this ecoli outbreak but lettuce romain calm.

Lettuces make great detectives. They leaf no stone unturned.

Lettuce be thankful.

Lettuce romain positive.

I don’t usually go grocery shopping, so when my mom asked to buy lettuce, I had to tell myself to romaine calm

What did Queen Lettuce say to her greens?Lettuce eat brussels.

You have to lettuce go.

Vegetable history lessons are very interesting. They learn all about the Caesar and Romaine Empire.

 “Leaf no stone unturned”

Why did the nudist not like the caesar salad?it was over dressed.

A lettuce was trying to lay carpet in its new house. It was a-rug-ula.

please romain calm!.

Did you hear Elton John hates lettuce?he is more of a rocket man

Lettuce Romaine Calm

What do you call leftover lettuce? the Romaines

We don’t want to romaine here anymore.

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