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Lettuce puns in 2025

What did the sandwich say to the doorman?lettuce in.

“Lettuce travel!”

there was none Romaine-ing lettuce

What do you call a chicken looking at a bowl of lettuce?A chicken sees-a-salad.

Everyone says the romaine is very kind. He’s really got a big heart.

“Leaf your options open.”

Well, that romaines to be seen.”

A lettuce took a road trip. She went to Kale-ifornia.

If there is any problem… please lettuce know.

A cabbage said to a DJ “lettuce turnip the beet”

I guess we are seeing the second fall of the Romaine empire.

Grocery store lettuce know we can leaf with safe food

Why’d the lettuce blush?it was the salad dressing.

I saw a lettuce paddling a boat. It was a row-maine.

“That’s going to leaf a mark!” 

“Lettuce shortage could be tip of the iceberg as heatwave continues” –

A lettuce and a tomato went on a date. They went to the salad bar.

The last romaines. Now lettuce pray for them.

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