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Light puns in 2025

There was a scientist who broke the speed of light while driving.
– He was then sent to prism.

I bought a new bulb. When my old lamp saw the new light bulb,
– it said, “You have a bright future, kid”.

I always wondered about the weight of a lamp.
– My friend said that they’re actually pretty light.

I just want one single LIGHT of that birth day cake of yours

I was trying to think of some way to find my keys in the dark.
– Suddenly, a bright idea struck me.

One day, the inn-keeper told a bulb to take some food with him on his journey.
– The bulb said, “No, I travel light.”

I’ve decided that I’ll walk into every room with a lantern in my hand.
– So that everybody knows that I light up any room I go to.

I accidentally got hit on my head with a broom last night. Gotta say, I
– t was not my brightest moment.

It was a foggy winter night and I saw some lights outside my home.
– I kept wondering if the lights were real, or if they were just filaments of my imagination.

My LIGHT had been delayed by five hours

The theme of that party is Black and LIGHT

I went out in the hall and It was a little dim, so I lit the lamps.
– I have a lot of bright ideas.

Four men were on a boat and had five candles.
– But they had nothing with them to light the candles.
– So they threw a candle overboard and then the whole boat became a candle lighter.

What do you call a candle in armor?

– A knight light

Once, I got a job as a film lighting technician. It was pretty spot on.

A company invented a light that could be powered by just a couple of lips.
– They named it a tulip bulb.

I decided to donate all of my lamps to goodwill.
– Now, I feel positively delighted.

There was a time when phones didn’t have any flashlights.
– Those were some dark days.

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