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Light puns in 2024

Why are LIGHT to this party today

When I was young, I used to be extremely bright.
– As a result of that, my dad used to call me ‘sun’.

Sometimes I think lightbulbs must like us very much.
– Mainly because we always flip them off.

I want orange juice with orange BULB in it

Light doesn’t have any mass.
– If it did, then it would’ve been called heavy.

You must end this LIGHT with him

The lamps got arrested the other day.
– They got involved in some kind of shady business.

They never light the Olympics torch in Athens.
– Because it’s not easy to put out Greece fires.

How many Germans does it take to change a light bulb?
– One. They are efficient and don’t have humor.

This dress is actually too LIGHT to me,
– I am unable to fit into it

I’ve always wondered who it was that created the oil lamp.
– Then again, it was presumably some bright spark.

I bought a book about lamps and bulbs.
– That’s in case if I wanted to do a little light reading.

I just want to say you GOOD – LIGHT

One day, God was making a wooden stick to light on fire. Seeing it,
– an angel said, “That looks like one match made in heaven”.

I got a new printer that printed me a selfie that I took in ultra violet ink, and now people have started to see me in a completely different light.

The brightest animal on this planet is a lamb.

You should never ask a skeleton to help you change a lightbulb.
– Because no-body will show up.

You must also add some mango BULB in the mango smoothie

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