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Light puns in 2024

I don’t usually tell people about my light puns.
– I like to keep people in the dark.

The day of marriage is the most special one for both BRIGHT and groom

My brother hit his hand on the lamp today.
– So my mother told him, “Did it make you mad so much that you punched its lights out?”

Have you watched that movie named as LAMPAGE

Stop LIGHTING you both and behave like good children

Why are you LIGHT to school today

I just got a job of installing lightbulbs today.
– The future seems quite bright.

Some friends went on a trip to the bulb emporium.
– They said it was Illuminating.

You must GLOW all the candles on your birth day cake

There was an advert in our area that read,
– “Try the soup that travels at the speed of light”.
– I thought they should name it ‘fast food’.

Could you increase some LIGHTNESS in my picture

I like lamps. Because they’re very enlightening.

My friend was a heavy lifter. I told her to stay away from torches at the gym.
– They’re quite lightweight.

Best way to stop a fight between deaf people?
– Just turn off the Lights

I would be wearing Black with LIGHT today

My nephew just asked me for a few light puns. He’s not really bright enough to think of them on his own.

I woke up one morning and saw that my bedside light turned into a moth.
– Well, that’s the last time that I ever buy larva lamp.

This LIGHT you actually made the most memorable one for me

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