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Light puns in 2024

Plants are always very thin.
– That’s because they eat light.

I missed my LIGHT today

Electricity was installed for the first time in an English castle.
– That marked the introduction of the first knight-light.

You are taller than him, I think your BRIGHT is more than his

Your LIGHT would be from the International Airport

I always sleep with my bedroom lights on.
– They help me dream of bright ideas.

I started a charity to make sure that everyone has convenient lighting in their homes.
– Because I’ve always had a wish to be a PhiLAMPthropist.

Angels light their candles with matches made in heaven.

What did one traffic light say to the other.
– Stop looking I am changing

There was a girl who could light up the room, whenever she walked in.
– But then again, she was the only one who knew where the light switch was.

She is the BRIGHT and he is the groom

Sister used a lot of small candles for her party as decorations. Her place looks tealight-ful.

Why are you LIGHTING with her

I only and only want to see BULL – LIGHT at least for once in my life

Last night after a snowstorm I saw someone driving.
– They hadn’t brushed their headlights.
– Well, I guess, they weren’t too bright.

Some light bulbs decided to go do some shopping.
– So they went to the outlet store.

You are BRIGHT in this matter

I had an interview as a housesitter today.
– The lady said that it involved a little light housekeeping.
– Hearing I said, “I’ve never kept a lighthouse, but I’m willing to try”.

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