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Lion puns in 2025

What would be a better name than “king of the jungle” for a lion?
– They both have mega bites.

Before a lion eats, he says ” Let us prey“…

What would’ve been a better name instead of King of the jungle?
– Emperoar.

What do you call a lion chasing a camel across the desert?
– A chameleon.

What do you get if you cross a lion with a watchdog?
– A terrified postman!


I would rather be the tail of a lion than the head of a mouse ~ Daddy Yankee

Why did Pumba’s pal call customer service?
– T’moan.

What’s a lion running a copy machine called?
– A copycat.

What is a lion’s favorite cookie?
– Chocolate chimp.

The lion was lost in a fureign country.

How does a lion move a boat?
– He uses roars.

Why did the lion cross the road?
– To stop the zebra crossing.

What do you call a lion at the North Pole?
– Lost.

A lion would never play golf, but a Tiger Wood.

Chewsday – Lion’s favorite day of the week.

What do lions say before dinner?
– Let us prey!

How did the lion greet the gazelle?
– Nice to eat you!

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