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Llama puns in 2024

Why don’t you just save the drama for your llama?

Why don’t you just save the drama for your llama?

What did the llama say when the vicuña asked why he knew so many jokes? Llama funny guy.

What actor do llamas love? al Pacacino.

These llama puns will get you cria-ing with laughter.

What did Llamye West say to Taylor Swift? “Llama let you finish…”

¿Como te llama?

Why don’t Lucy Llama and Lacey Llama get along?Typical Llama drama.

Where do baby llamas go to eat? The pizzacria

Who is a llama’s favorite president?Barak Ollama

You should probably have your card llamanated.

What did the vicuña say back? Wool have to see about that.

What did the llama say when he was invited on vacation?Alpaca my bags!!

Where do llamas go for a nice holiday?shangri-llama

What do you call a really big llama? A wooly mammoth!

What’s a llama’s favorite drink? llamonade

What is a llama’s favorite Justin Bieber lyrics?my Llama dont like you but she likes everyone.

How do vicuñas wake up in the morning? They use allama clocks.

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