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Llama puns in 2024

How do llamas like to cook their food? On a spit.

No prob llama!

What do you call an alpaca with a carrot in each ear?any thing he cant hear you

What did the alpaca say when her friend asked how far the beach was? It’s spitting distance.

One of the biggest hip-hop stars in Llamaville put on a concert. He was spitting fire

I got a wool llama love for you!

¿Como te llama?

Why was the alpaca freaked out? He thought the llama wanted to eat him.

What do llamas say when they meet someone new?fleeced to meet you!

What did the llama say when the other llama asked if they wanted to go on holiday?Alpaca my bags

What do llamas say when they’re trying to make an important decision? “Llama think about it.”

You should probably have it llamanated.

Alpacapella and dipllama!

Why didn’t the alpaca want coffee? He only drinks llamanade.

Who was the most infamous terrorist in llama history? Osama Bin Llama.


My llama don’t like you, and she likes everyone!

What did their mum say about it? They looked like the spitting image of each other.

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