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Llama puns in 2025

When the proud llama father had his first son, people kept saying “He is the spitting image of his father.”

Your friend need help ? No prob llama.

What did Mario say when he saw an alpaca? Dont worry it a fal-s-llama.

What do you call the president of Llamaland? Barack Ollama.

What did the llama say when she was invited to the picnic? Alpaca sandwich.

Let’s take a ride in my llamborghini.

 Llama mia, here I go again.

How do llamas like to cook their food? On a spit.

What did the llama say to the depressed camel?Dont worry .. you’ll get over this hump

How do llamas say “Merry Christmas” in Spanish?Fleece navidad.

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