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Lobster puns in 2024

In the midst of the conversation, the lobster was confused and said, “please be more pacific.”

Lobsters are picky when it comes to their eating habits. Most of them are sailective eaters.

Lobsters prefer their morning clawfee to be hot.

The lobster decided to throw a thanksgiving party but it turned out to be a turtle disaster.

The lobster was looking for a shellphone, he was recommended the brand Clamsung.

The crustacean playing tennis was a true lob-star.

The lobster told the salmon, it is because you have a cod father that you are successful.

A lobster was crying. Being asked, he said that his teacher called him a lost claws.

Even after being struck down several times, the lobster went with the float.

The lobster ordered a bookshelf from IKEA. The product was not quite right, but it still looked shelf-ish.

The lobster was so huge, it was one shell of a creature.

The lobster wanted to jump into the pot of boiling water and everybody thought he was cray-sea.

“The sea a-piers to be dark blue today”, says the lobster.

The lobster sang for his new wife a song on their wedding and it was shrimply the best.

The lobster lost its fortune since it was shelling out money.

When the crate turned up empty, the lobsterman said, “It a-piers we have a problem.”

A lobster was called by the crab through the phone. When he picked up the phone he answered with “shello”.

Annoyed with work pressure, a lobster ranted about his frustacean.

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