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Love puns in 2025

 I am the happiest because you are my significant otter.

I am a hopeless ramen-tic and I just wanted to say that I love you, like, pho real.

I am bear-ing my soul to tell you how much I love you.

You’re turtle-ly awesome.

You can make my heart skip a beet.

Darling, you are un-bee-lievably awesome.

You light my fire, probably because you’re my perfect match.

I doughnut think that I need to glaze over the fact that I like you a hole lot.

You are so unique, you are one in a melon.

The time we spend together is like a hot dog.
– I relish it.

You are my butter half.

We should spend some koala-ity time together.

I’m o-fish-ally in love with you.

I really love your sweater.
– It must be made out of husband material.

Life with you is the sweetest.

I can never stay mad at you, but I will always stay mad about you.

We make the most egg-cellent pair.

Trust me.
-I only have pies for you.

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