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Love puns in 2025

There are chameleon reasons why I love you.

Life without you would be un-bear-able.

You perfectly fit me to a tea.

 I am very fawn-ed of you

Honey, you are un-bee-lievable.

I lava you because you make my heart erupt like a volcano.

Time fries when I am spending it with you.

I refuse to let you slip through my ‘Butter Fingers.’

Muffin can ever come between us.

I just wanted to say that I love you berry much.

There may be plenty of other fish in the sea, but you’re my only sole mate.

Life without you would be doggone ruff.

I am completely nuts about you because you make me come out of my shell.

I love you very deerly.

Chew on this: I love you.

 I think I am s-mitten with you.

I love you a brunch.

 I am ‘starburst’ing to tell you how sweet you are.

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