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Mango puns in 2025

Singular: One mango
Plural: Two menwent

My mother was annoyed with the doorstep fruit seller who tried to sell his fruits. She wanted him to leave, so she shouted out loud, saying, “Hey mango”.

It takes two to mango.

Yams are absolutely plant-tastic.

Ladies, if he doesn’t appreciate your fruit jokes….
….you need to let that mango.

What’s the manliest fruit to eat?
– Mango.

On my birthday, my dad asked where his wife was, and my nana replied, “Women go where the mangoes”.

Man-goal – When you score in the mango soccer league.

Someone has been adding soil to my garden. The plot thickens.

What is a caveman’s favorite fruit? “Mango”.

Did you hear about the guy who went on a fruit diet? In just 2 days, he became completely obnoxious
– Evidently, it is enough to make a Mango crazy

You ripe what you sow.

My wife is going through a tropical food craze. There are fruits all over the house!
It’s enough to make a mango crazy!

How did I make the mango tree fit in my flower-pot?
– I planted it.

Man, go mess with someone else.

Leaf me alone…

Ladies, if he can’t appreciate your fruit jokes,
you need to let that mango…

A magician disappeared into the fruit. Everyone started wondering where did the mango! And then a lady questioned, did the mango into the mango?

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