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Mango puns in 2025

My wife is going through a tropical food craze. There are fruits all over the house!
It’s enough to make a mango crazy!

How did I make the mango tree fit in my flower-pot?
– I planted it.

Man, go mess with someone else.

Leaf me alone…

Ladies, if he can’t appreciate your fruit jokes,
you need to let that mango…

A magician disappeared into the fruit. Everyone started wondering where did the mango! And then a lady questioned, did the mango into the mango?

My neighbor said a man walked into my garden and stole my mangoes.
I am wondering where did that mango.

Man-gopher – A fruit that lives underground.

Have you met herbivore?

Usain bolt must be a fruit Have you seen that mango?

Shouldn’t the plural of a mango be men go rather than mangoes?

I seed him eat the mango just now.

My brother was caught stealing fruit last night…
– Didn’t know I was related to a waterfelon.

My father was worried, and when I asked what the problem was, he said a man entered our garden and had stolen all the mangoes. I started wondering: Where did that mango?

Mango puns are mango-nificent.

I leaf (love) yams like no other!

My wife is on a tropical fruit diet, the house is full of stuff
It is enough to make a mango crazy

My wife told my four year old daughter that she couldn’t use her plastic IKEA knife to slice mangos. I said “Yeah kid, that’s just not going to cut it.”

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