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Mango puns in 2024

My wife started a tropical diet There’s so much stuff in the house it’s enough to make a mango crazy.

Tropical fruits give people so much energy. You can definitely say they make a mango!

Wild mangoes live on the mango preserve.

My wife saw two mangos….
… the pear section and said that’s not where they belong

I replied it’s a pair of mangos and they belong exactly where they are.

The man next to us got a good chuckle.

The plural of mango should be changed to mengo

Man, go-ne were the days.

I’m rooting for you.

Ladies, if he can’t appreciate your fruit jokes…
…you need to let that mango.

How far can a mango, If he’s got a license but doesn’t avocado ?

It takes two to mango!

Sweet it under the carpet.

The plural of mango should be changed to mengo

My mother shouted, “Mangoes,” as she entered the house after grocery shopping. My father responded, “Where?”.

I’m looking for the story of an astronaut whose lunar Odyssey was very fruitful?
– Mangoes to the moon

Do you have anything plant for tonight?

An elephant is sitting on a tree…
An elephant is sitting on top of a tree

A donkey comes along and starts to climb the tree

Elephant says “hey, donkeys don’t climb trees!”

Donkey says “but I want to eat those apples!”

Elephant laughs “you donkey! This is a mango tree”

Donkey laughs “I brought my own apples!”

Everyday in summer is a fun and mango-nificent day!

Ooooo, it’s the spooky man-gost.

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