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Math puns in 2025

My brother, who hated math, wouldn’t drink a glass of water with eight cubes of ice because that is two cubed for him!

The math professor told us there was a fine line between a denominator and a numerator, but there were only a fraction of students who would understand this.

Fishermen around the world calculate their profits by solving the cod-ratic equations.

A friend of mine made some tea whilst up a mountain trying to work out the length of a side of a right angled triangle.
– Turned out it was a high pot in use.

The students were playing the drums in math class because they were being taught logarhythm!

According to basic math, a human nose cannot be 12 inches in length.
-Otherwise, it turns into a foot.

How do you make seven even?
– Just remove the “s.”

My math teacher asked me to wear glasses to math class because they apparently help with di-vision!

It is accepted by many that math teachers and professors are worshippers of the sum!

Why is the obtuse triangle depressed?
-Because it is never right.

The triangle was chosen over the circle and rectangle for the basketball team because it was bound to give three-pointers.

There was a knight who had built King Arthur’s roundtable perfectly.
-His name was Ser Cumference!

My girlfriend is the square root of -100, she’s a perfect 10, but purely imaginary.

 It was a very mean thing for the teacher to tell the boy specifically that he was very average in math!

 In the animal kingdom, all zebras like solving problems in algebra.

How do mathematicians scold their children?
– If I’ve told you n times, I’ve told you n+1 times…”

When I asked my friend if he heard anything about the missing statistician, he replied, “In all probability, I have no

I was sad to hear about Mama fraction passing away.
-She had died due to myocardial infraction!

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