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Meat puns in 2025

I got the mooves like Jagger

Why didn’t the butcher cross the road?
– He didn’t want to brisket!

What do you call a cow with no front legs?
– Lean Beef

I was grilling yesterday but then the meat started smoking
– Stakes were high

Are you beef?
– Because your Carlos-Asada

What did the steak say to his girlfriend?
– You’re the apple of my rib-eye!

If puns were meats, this one would be the wurst

What do you call a vegetarian who goes back to eating meat?
– Someone who lost his/her veg-inity!

Lately my wife looks at me like I’m just a piece of meat.
– And it wouldn’t bother me if she wasn’t a vegan.

Apparently you can’t use “beef stew” as a password.
– It’s not stroganoff.

What did the Mummy cow say to the baby cow when he failed his school test?
– It’s OK to make mis-steaks!

Do you like BBQs, cause I’m gunna slap my meat across your grill Do you have any raisins?
– (no…) How about a date?

We tried that new fusion restaurant that only serves intestines and organ meat.
– It was offal.

Have you ever tried baby wookie meat?
– It’s a little chewy

Move! Get out of the hay!

Salami get this straight – you don’t like meat puns?!

Do you like meat?
– Cause you’ll be eating some tonight.

What does a waiter say when he gives meat for a vegan
– Sorry it was a meat steak.

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